The Free Clothes Store

free clothes store

Here at Dune Radio we're delighted to be working in partnership with Lakeside Church on their Free Clothes Store project.

What is it all about? ...
The Free Clothes Store is a charitable ministry within Lakeside Church that offers free clothing to those in need of help. Appointments are provided to give clients privacy and dignity.

Lots of fabulous condition clothes are donated every week and made available for individuals or families that are struggling to buy clothing is these increasingly difficult times.

Providing good quality, pre-loved clothes and shoes to those in need/crisis:
If you or someone you know is struggling to buy clothing for themselves or their family because of their situation right now, then please get in touch with us.

​Call 01704 544419 or email us for an appointment with one of your team. Or you can send us a
direct message on Instagram or Facebook @thefreeclothesstore.

Want to help us help others?
We accept donations of good quality, pre-loved clothes and shoes for all ages and sizes!

Drop off donations at:
Lakeside Church,
Fairway, PR9 0LA.

Tuesdays to Fridays 9 - 4pm